In a new ranking created by, Pittsburgh is one of the country’s top 10 “best job markets among the big cities” for 2015.

Calling Pittsburgh “one of the top 10 easiest cities to find a job in,” Tech Cocktail reported the the latest rankings released by the online job distribution and job board service.

ZipRecruiter looked at the biggest 100 job markets in the US that have below-average unemployment (under 5.6%), then ranked them based on the following three factors (the lower the better for each): 1) the availability of jobs (applicants-to-employer ratio); 2) competition for jobs (applications-to-job-posting ratio); and 3) the unemployment rate.

In the country’s top job markets, ZipRecruiter identified plenty of healthy competition, low unemployment rates and a tech and startup culture.

With an unemployment rate of 4.4%, Pittsburgh falls between Cincinnati and Raleigh on ZipRecruiter’s ranking of big cities, while Minneapolis tops the list. Separate rankings were created for big cities, mid-sized cities, small cities and overall best.

Looking for a job in Pittsburgh? Check out the latest job postings in NEXTpittsburgh every Monday and Thursday.

Read the entire list here.

Jennifer has worked at the Mattress Factory, Brooklyn Museum of Art and SLB Radio Productions. She is co-author of the award-winning book, "Pittsburgh Signs Project: 250 Signs of Western Pennsylvania." For 15-plus years, she was co-coordinator and marketing director with Handmade Arcade, Pittsburgh's first and largest independent craft fair. She makes music as The Garment District and is a founding member of Brooklyn's The Ladybug Transistor.